Design a retail pop-up shop that will be placed inside of a recycled 40' cargo/shipping container. Design a space that engages your customers and generates a feeling of relevance and interactivity. Pop-up shop must include a cash wrap, a gondola fixture, an impulse fixture, a feature fixture, as well as signage and the company logo.

Mood board created using Adobe Illustrator, shows the company logo as well as four differently unique design iterations for the pop-up shop. My first design focused on different colored glass covering the main corner. My second design takes inspiration from a 1950's classic diner. The third iteration takes focus from a 1980's arcade. And my last and most favorite design takes inspiration from a retro TV.

Floorplan of pop-up shop originally hand drawn but re-created in AutoCAD, shows a side entrance to the TV inspired store with a central cash wrap and a record storage area to the right.

Front & Back Elevations originally hand drawn but re-created in AutoCAD, shows the fun exterior of a retro TV set pop-up shop.

Side Elevations originally hand drawn but re-created in AutoCAD, shows a double door entrance into the shop.

Cinda Lou Axon View - Shows the 1/2" = 1' white foam core and Bristol board model of a retro TV stand to create the most perfect pop-up shop design.

Interior Axon - shows the many furniture options one could possibly have in such a shop, like a record area in the far right or some t shirt storage racks as soon as you walk in. The options are endless.

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